Blog — food poisoning

What the EWG won’t tell you about washing pesticides away

What the EWG won’t tell you about washing pesticides away

Every year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases its list of the most pesticide-laden produce items calls the Dirty Dozen. And every year, it creates a media tidal wave of coverage. It shows up everywhere, and seemingly sets off a storm of fear in the hearts of every fruit and veggie lover, banishing the thought of ever eating a non-organic plant. They even suggest washing with just water.  The question begs, is there really nothing we can do about these harmful pesticides more effective than just rinsing with water – which is highly ineffective with hydrophobic fruits and veggies? Thankfully,...

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How to Pack Leftovers to Prevent Food Poisoning

How to Pack Leftovers to Prevent Food Poisoning

After a delicious meal, most of us want to relax and enjoy spending time with family and friends. The last thing on our mind is cleanup and packing away leftovers. It can wait, right? Actually, no. The longer leftovers sit after a meal, the more likely bacteria, viruses, or parasites will grow and your family will be at risk of food poisoning. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), food poisoning affects around 48 million people each year. The majority of these illnesses are the result of disease-causing germs. Leftovers are a likely culprit for many cases...

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How to avoid getting sick from cut produce

How to avoid getting sick from cut produce

By Mareya Ibrahim Fresh-cut produce is a really attractive way to get more fruit and vegetables onto your family’s plate, and people can’t seem to get enough variety. If you’re scared of sharp knives, not into washing it yourself or spending time doing the work, buying everything ready-to-eat is a Godsend. According to a 2014 report from the PMA, the Produce Marketing Association, fresh-cut produce is an estimated $27 billion market and sales are increasing in double digits. At retail, it accounts for over 16% of sales and for food service, including your favorite salad bar, it’s over 60% of...

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Why we need to give more of an EFF about food poisoning

Why we need to give more of an EFF about food poisoning

You have twice the risk of getting sick if you eat out vs. eating at home. And man did I find that out the hard way. It was 6:30 am, and I had been throwing up every 5-10 minutes for two and a half hours. Just leave me here in a corner balled up like a fetus and let me die in peace, is all I could think. That’s how I felt two days ago when I got the worst case of food poisoning in my life from a restaurant in Los Angeles the night before my ‘big pitch’. It...

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