Blog — Category_Health

EP 107 - Lettuce Not Waste - Tips for Keeping Produce out of Landfills

EP 107 - Lettuce Not Waste - Tips for Keeping Produce out of Landfills

EPISODE OVERVIEW The episode discusses the alarming amount of food waste in the US and the resulting environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions and methane emissions from landfills. It emphasizes the need to take action to reduce food waste and highlights the role of a company called Eat Cleaner in removing harmful residue and keeping produce out of landfills. The episode also mentions the movement towards rescuing imperfect or "ugly" produce and companies like Misfits Market that deliver discounted grocery items to reduce waste. Use code EATCLEANER15 for $15 off your first order when you spend $35 or more Code: EATCLEANER15  “Our waste...

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What should I eat before and after a workout and when?

What should I eat before and after a workout and when?

It’s a beautiful thing. Your body is a super-powered machine designed to convert food (aka calories) into potent kinetic energy, feeding that powerful squat or sprint with every bite. Of course, not all calories are created equal and there’s true science behind what your body needs before and after you workout. Not surprisingly, your system runs on different types of fuel for different needs. Timing is also a big factor and knowing when to get your nutrition in both pre and post workouts are critical to your optimum performance and recovery. If you don’t eat enough of the right types...

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The Toxicity & Symptom Screening Questionnaire

The Toxicity & Symptom Screening Questionnaire

This questionnaire identifies symptoms that help to identify the underlying causes of illness and helps you track your progress over time. Rate each of the following symptoms based on your health over the past 30 days. If you are filling out this questionnaire after the first two days of detox, record your symptoms for the last 48 hours ONLY.  Point Scale 0  = Never or almost never have the symptom 1  = Occasionally have it, effect is not severe 2  = Occasionally have it, effect is severe 3  = Frequently have it, effect is not severe 4  = Frequently have it, effect is...

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EP 97 - Never Binge Again: How to break out of the prison of overeating

EP 97 - Never Binge Again: How to break out of the prison of overeating

Why are overeating stress eating and binge eating so prevalent in our culture today? That is exactly what we're about to break down. Dr. Glenn Livingston is a PhD, a veteran psychologist, and was the longtime CEO of a multimillion dollar consulting firm. He has helped literally thousands of people transform how they view food disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer. He is here to help us break down why people overeat and how they can change that food prison into a healthy weight. Let’s dive in! “When you are more mindful and present as you're eating, you're...

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