Blog — pesticides

What's on your produce?  The dirty little secret that can affect your health

What's on your produce? The dirty little secret that can affect your health

Wax on fruit and vegetables. It’s not a big secret. Apples are waxed to help them last longer, and so are cucumbers. But did you know about 80% of all produce is waxed, including cherries, plums, nectaries, avocados, bell peppers, cantaloupes, cucumbers, eggplants, grapefruits, lemons, limes, melons, oranges, parsnips, passion fruits, peaches, pineapples, pumpkins, rutabagas, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers…and the list goes on. The question is, what’s the problem with wax on my fresh fruit and vegetables? The FDA has approved several waxes for such use, made from shellacs, paraffins, palm oil derivatives and synthetic resins.So what’s the...

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Why we need to give more of an EFF about food poisoning

Why we need to give more of an EFF about food poisoning

You have twice the risk of getting sick if you eat out vs. eating at home. And man did I find that out the hard way. It was 6:30 am, and I had been throwing up every 5-10 minutes for two and a half hours. Just leave me here in a corner balled up like a fetus and let me die in peace, is all I could think. That’s how I felt two days ago when I got the worst case of food poisoning in my life from a restaurant in Los Angeles the night before my ‘big pitch’. It...

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Protect Your Food & Family

        Did you know that there are over 48 million cases of food borne illness in the United States every year?!!? Protect your food. Protect your family. Protect yourself. Food safety is too important and often overlooked, but if you have children, are elderly, pregnant or have an autoimmune deficiency, it’s even that much more important. Over 60% of the population falls into one of these categories. Stock up on your favorite Eat Cleaner Fruit & Vegetable Wash and Wipes at and take advantage of 25% off for first-time visitors AND FREE SHIPPING on orders $40+....

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