Blog — paleo

What should I eat before and after a workout and when?

What should I eat before and after a workout and when?

It’s a beautiful thing. Your body is a super-powered machine designed to convert food (aka calories) into potent kinetic energy, feeding that powerful squat or sprint with every bite. Of course, not all calories are created equal and there’s true science behind what your body needs before and after you workout. Not surprisingly, your system runs on different types of fuel for different needs. Timing is also a big factor and knowing when to get your nutrition in both pre and post workouts are critical to your optimum performance and recovery. If you don’t eat enough of the right types...

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Girl on Grill: Take Over the BBQ

Girl on Grill: Take Over the BBQ

Chef Mareya is the Girl on Grill!   Growing up, I learned how to grill from my dad. It didn’t matter what time of year it was – could be in the middle of January, 2 degrees Fahrenheit and a foot of snow on the ground – and you could find my father on the deck in a parka, boots and a spatula in hand, with the tantalizing smell of grilled chicken, fish, steak and veggies wafting throughout the neighborhood. I made the decision to move to a much warmer climate but I still carry on that tradition. After all,...

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Why Clean Eating Doesn't Mean Deprivation

Clean eating is one of the biggest goals people make for themselves all throughout the year. Generally January 1st is the big kickoff, but it seems like it’s always a constant thing people say. One misconception is the fact that you need to starve or deprive yourself while on the Clean Eating Bandwagon. Well good news, I’m here to share with you that this is UNTRUE 🙂 Why Deprivation is Harmful What happens when you tell yourself you’re not allowed to eat any more of a certain food? Well, I don’t know about you, but the only thing I’m able...

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The Must-Have Tools of a Clean Eating Kitchen

The Must-Have Tools of a Clean Eating Kitchen

You’ve been checking out our recipes. Maybe you’ve watched one of my live Facebook cooking classes. And perhaps you’ve committed to our Eat Cleaner Meal Prep Club and you’re ready to get cookin’! But then, you look at your kitchen and the pots and pans are peeling, your knives couldn’t cut a piece of paper, and your broken blender is now a flower pot. Just like an artist needs their paints and brushes and a carpenter needs their tools, you need the right stuff to make eating clean a heckuva lot easier. Now, you could literally buy thousands of gadgets,...

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