Recipes — health

Pancakes All Day...Why Not?! Today is Pancake Day (2/17/15)

Pancakes All Day...Why Not?! Today is Pancake Day (2/17/15)

Today is Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, and officially ends the season of epiphany and the vigil for the starting of Lent. This day has become the last day for celebration and feasting before the period of fasting required by Lenten season. The English tradition of eating pancakes came as a way to use as much milk, fats, and eggs as possible before Ash Wednesday began. Another fabulous tradition that take place are the annual Pancake Day Races, where contestants dress in aprons and scarves and race down the course flipping a pancake in a frying pan or...

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Caiti Banovz

How To Make Ginger Powder

Want To Make Your Own Ginger Powder? Now ginger has been known for thousands of years for its health benefits. I’m gonna share with you a couple of tips how easy it is to incorporate ginger into your everyday routine. You can make ginger powder in a few different ways: 1) First, try ginger tea! I get boiling hot water, and I steep that with a big heaping teaspoon of fresh ginger powder, and then I sweeten it with a little bit of monk fruit extract, a no calorie all-natural sweetener. 2) Combine ginger powder with pure honey! I take...

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