The American Dream - My Road to HSN

The American Dream - My Road to HSN

If you missed it on October 25th, you can watch the replay now!!! I had an amazing experience and on top of that WE SOLD OUT, so watch out HSN viewers, I’ll be baaacccckk!!! WOOOOOOW. I can hardly contain my excitement. We have some huge news to share. But first, I want to share a real story that you might not know. Many brands are faceless products on the shelf, but ours has a big heart. Let me take you back. I’m the daughter of immigrants who brought me to the US from Egypt when I was 2 in pursuit...

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What's on your produce?  The dirty little secret that can affect your health

What's on your produce? The dirty little secret that can affect your health

Wax on fruit and vegetables. It’s not a big secret. Apples are waxed to help them last longer, and so are cucumbers. But did you know about 80% of all produce is waxed, including cherries, plums, nectaries, avocados, bell peppers, cantaloupes, cucumbers, eggplants, grapefruits, lemons, limes, melons, oranges, parsnips, passion fruits, peaches, pineapples, pumpkins, rutabagas, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers…and the list goes on. The question is, what’s the problem with wax on my fresh fruit and vegetables? The FDA has approved several waxes for such use, made from shellacs, paraffins, palm oil derivatives and synthetic resins.So what’s the...

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