Blog — Category_Sustainability

What Mr. DiCaprio and I have in common...and why we all need to become Revenants

What Mr. DiCaprio and I have in common...and why we all need to become Revenants

The Revenant had me on the edge of my seat, the classic man vs. nature on steroids, transforming Leonardo DiCaprio into an early 1800’s trapper that literally comes back (The Revenant, from the French term ‘Revenir’ meaning ‘To Return‘, literally from the dead) after being attacked by a bear and left by his group in the harshest conditions. The icing on the cake was that he used his time on the stage accepting his well-deserved Oscar (finally!) to urge people to care about the environment. That’s when I knew we were kindred spirits. “Making ‘The Revenant’ was about man’s relationship...

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