Ep. 33: The ABC's of CBD - With Ryan Cornett, Garden of Life

Ep. 33: The ABC's of CBD - With Ryan Cornett, Garden of Life
You can eat it, drink it, slather it or spray it. It's been associated with reduced anxiety, better sleep, zoned-in focus, gorgeous skin and hair - and takes the edge off for public speakers. And it's the hottest trend in food, skincare, pain management, hair and beauty products - so much so that CEO's are jumping ship from huge companies to start-ups that are betting the future on its potential. So, what is this miracle potion? It's CBD, and for those of you who immediately are saying, isn't that pot?...we're diving in so you understand it from seed to stem.
In this episode of Recipes for Your Best Life, I'm interviewing Ryan Cornett, a certified herbalist and master's candidate in clinical nutrition. He works in the nutrition science at Garden of Life, and helps break down what CBD is, how it's grown, the different benefits of the active ingredients and why it won't get you high - but will help you chill. This is a really important one to tune into to get the story straight once and for all on one of the biggest nutrition game changers of modern times - CBD.
The latest episode of the Recipes for Your Best Life is now LIVE! In this episode, we will be discussing: 1. Why Garden of Life started producing the CBD? 2. What is CBD? Is it pot? 3. The stigma and the future of CBD Listen to latest episode, and make sure to check out our show notes as well as resources discussed in this episode EP 33 - The ABC's of CBD: with Ryan Cornett of Garden of Life Find the Recipes for Your Life Podcast HERE Thank you for all your support! Can I get a Fork Yeah?! :) Yours truly, Mareya Ibrahim, The Fit Foodie CONNECT ON ITUNES CONNECT ON Overcast CONNECT ON Spotify link P.S. If you truly liked this episode, PLEASE leave a review in iTunes! If you disliked this show, then feel free to email me back! I will make sure to take your suggestion and try to improve the show, so that it's better for You!
Show notes:
- CBD link for content - CBD link for purchase - use Ambassador20 for 20% off - https://www.drperlmutter.com/?s=cbd (specific to CBD related science)
About Ryan Cornett: Ryan Cornett is a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer. He holds a Bachelor’s in Nutrition and is currently in his Master’s for Clinical Nutrition and Functional Medicine. He is a Certified Herbalist and he has spent years practicing organic permaculture farming in Hawaii. He currently works in the Nutrition Science Department at Garden of Life and also holds the companies ping-ping championship trophy.

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