Why is produce waxed and is it safe?

Gleaming, sparkling apples so shiny you could ice skate on them. Inviting….or not? What’s underneath that brilliant surface may not be as healthy as you would like to thinks.

On the road to your local store, produce travels and average of 1,500 miles just to get to you – meaning days, and sometimes weeks in transit. Producers often use wax to coat fruit and veggies to give them additional shelf life, so they make it to you ‘fresh’ and not wilted or spoiled in that timeframe.

While the idea of eating wax on its own may cause you to lose your appetite, it gets more complicated. Carnauba and paraffin waxes are used that often contain fungicides, petrochemicals, alcohol and sometimes even casein, a milk protein. If you’re allergic to dairy and eat a waxed apple, you may experience an unexpected reaction and the sad part is, stores are not required to notify you of this.

The wax can also trap harmful pesticides, bacteria and handling contaminants under the surface. To add to the dilemma, wax is not water soluble, so unless you peel your produce, which can remove important fiber, vitamins and minerals – or soak it in boiling water, you will not be able to remove the wax layer.

The wax is real, and if you take a paring knife, you can literally scratch it off the surface of produce. Just watch this video of two apples purchased from a national grocery chain.


So what’s a consumer to do?

We formulated Eat Cleaner to remove that layer of wax and really get under the surface, naturally. All you have to do is spray, soak or wipe using our lab proven, safe products.

Knowledge is power, so pass it on….because friends don’t let friends eat wax.

Eat Cleaner, everyday.

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